Author: Alex

  • Will Heat Kill Mold?

    Will Heat Kill Mold?

    Mould can be killed with heat on various surfaces. These surfaces can be walls, wood, metal, glass, and even fabric, but each requires a different technique. A hot temperature can be extremely effective in defeating mould and preventing it as it reduces the chances of condensation which is the main reason for the mould.  You…

  •  Will Heat Kill Fleas?

     Will Heat Kill Fleas?

    Fleas can be an absolute pain and if not taken care of can become increasingly worse. Typically, any temperature over 35 degrees Celsius can have a damaging effect on fleas. This temperature won’t kill them straight away and it’ll take several days in these types of conditions to kill them. If you’re wanting to kill…

  • How to Heat Canned Tuna

    How to Heat Canned Tuna

    If you’re looking to heat canned tuna you’ll be relieved to hear that it’s pretty easy. Although you can eat canned tuna straight from the tin, you may want to add it to a meal warm. There are two recommended ways to heating tuna and these are by microwave and by frying it. Make sure…

  • How Can You Prove that Heat is Liberated During Respiration

    How Can You Prove that Heat is Liberated During Respiration

    A very essential part of ATP formation is respiration as it constitutes one of the most fundamental processes of living organisms. Respiration refers to the process through which living organisms obtain energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) by taking in oxygen and taking out carbon(iv)oxide from the oxidation of complex organic compounds. It…

  • How can you Heat an Above Ground Pool?

    How can you Heat an Above Ground Pool?

    An above-ground pool is a temporarily erected structure above the ground surface. It gives you room for more flexibility as you can take an above ground pool with you if you’re relocating, unlike the inground pool which is permanent. This makes it less attractive to invest in a permanently positioned pool heater. Heating an above-ground…

  • Is it Safe to Heat Isopropyl Alcohol

    Is it Safe to Heat Isopropyl Alcohol

    Isopropyl alcohol also known as isopropanol is a chemical compound without colour, it is flammable with a very strong odour. It is often found in sanitisers and some cleaning agents. When dealing with isopropyl alcohol, care needs to be taken to avoid damage to health and the environment. Isopropanol should be kept out of the…

  • Buying A House With No Central Heating

    Buying A House With No Central Heating

    Buying a house with no central heating system is not comfortable, this situation is made worse if you’re moving into a house just before winter or the autumn. You would need a solution, which would enable you to improvise and adjust quickly. Therefore, this article would be of help and guide which also explains to…

  • How To Keep Warm In Winter Without Electricity

    How To Keep Warm In Winter Without Electricity

    It is not easy to keep warm in winter without electricity. No оnе likеѕ tо bе соld, unless уоu’rе Olaf from the Frоzеn frenzy. When thе power gоеѕ out, hаving a way tо kеер wаrm bесоmеѕ a top рriоritу. If уоu have a fireplace or рrораnе heat ѕоurсе, thеn being without роwеr iѕn’t thаt big…